Taous Leila Madi
- Research Scientist, Cyber Resilience Research Group
Dr. Taous Madi is a Research Scientist at KAUST. Previously, she was an Experienced Researcher at Ericsson Canada. She holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems Engineering from Concordia University, Montreal.
Her research interests include network function virtualization security, software-defined networking security, internet of things security, cyber threat intelligence, security of 5G and beyond telecommunication platforms, security metrics, machine learning and formal verification. She has co-authored a book and several conference and journal articles at reputable cybersecurity venues.
International Conference Publications
T. Madi, H. Alameddine, M. Pourzandi, Amine Boukhtouta. AutoGuard: A Dual Intelligence Proactive Anomaly Detection at Application-Level in 5G Networks, European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2021), Darmstadt, Germany.
T. Madi, M. Zhang, Y. Jarraya, A. Alimohammadifar, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang, M. Debbabi: QuantiC: Distance Metrics for Evaluating Multi-Tenancy Threats in Public Cloud, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2018), Nicosia, Cyprus.
A. Alimohammadifar, S. Majumdar, T. Madi, Y. Jarraya, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang and M. Debbabi. Stealthy Probing-based Verification (SPV): An Active Approach to Defending Software Defined Networks against Topology Poisoning Attacks, European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2018), Barcelona, Spain.
S. Majumdar, T. Madi, Y. Jarraya, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang, M. Debbabi: Cloud Security Auditing: Major Approaches and Existing Challenges, International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2018), Montreal, QC, Canada.
Y.Wang, T. Madi, S. Majumdar, Y. Jarraya, A. Alimohammadifar, M. Pourzandi, L.Wang and M. Debbabi. TenantGuard: Scalable Runtime Verification of Cloud-Wide VMLevel Network Isolation. In the Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2017), San Diego, USA.
S. Majumdar, Y. Jarraya, T. Madi, A. Alimohammadifar, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang and M. Debbabi. Proactive Verification of Security Compliance for Clouds through Pre-Computation: Application to OpenStack. In the Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2016), Heraklion, Greece, Sept. 28-30, 2016.
T. Madi, Y. Jarraya, S. Majumdar, Y. Wang, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang and M. Debbabi. Security Compliance Auditing of Virtualized Infrastructure in the Cloud: Application to OpenStack, ACM conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2016), New Orleans, LA.
S. Majumdar, T. Madi, Y. Wang, Y. Jarraya, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang and M. Debbabi. Security Compliance Auditing of Identity and Access Management in the Cloud: Application to OpenStack, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2015), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Refereed Journal Publications
T. Madi, H. Alameddine, M. Pourzandi and A. Boukhtouta. NFV security survey in 5G networks: A three-dimensional threat taxonomy, Computer Networks, Vol 197, 2021.
S. Majumdar, G. S. Chawla, A. Alimohammadifar, T. Madi, Y. Jarraya, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang and M. Debbabi. ProSAS: Proactive Security Auditing System for Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2021.
Y. Jarraya, T. Madi, and M. Debbabi. A Survey and a Layered Taxonomy on Software- Defined Networking. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communications Society, vol.PP, no.99.
S. Majumdar, T. Madi, Y.Wang, Y. Jarraya, M. Pourzandi, L.Wang and M. Debbabi. User- Level Runtime Security Auditing for the Cloud., IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Vol. 13, No. 5, May 2018, pages 1185-1199.
T. Madi, Y. Jarraya, A. Alimohammadifar, S. Majumdar, Y.Wang, M. Pourzandi, L.Wang, and M. Debbabi. ISOTOP: Auditing Virtual Networks Isolation Across Cloud Layers with Application to OpenStack. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS), August 2018.
S. Majumdar, T. Madi, Y. Wang, A. Tabiban, M. Oqaily, A. Alimohammadifar, Y. Jarraya, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang, M. Debbabi. Cloud Security Auditing. Advances in Information Security 76, Springer 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-23127-9, pp. 1-159.
Education Profile
PhD., Information systems and engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, 2019.
Msc. and Bsc., Software Engineering, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumedien, Algiers, 2010.
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